This 5th Edition of Hyperbaric Medicine Practice, captained by Dr. Harry T. Whelan, is the most robust and monumental information source for undersea and hyperbaric medicine to date. Split into two volumes due to its size and detail, this 5th edition boasts six new chapters. With the help of 70 contributors from all over the world, Hyperbaric Medicine Practice has become the go-to authority for both studying and practicing hyperbaric medicine professionals.
Rx Pad
WOUND CARE CERTIFICATION BASIC TRAINING & REFRESHER COURSE will be held this Saturday, February 1st , 2025. If you or your co-workers need this course sign up today before the cut off. (Next class is not till April)
There are many scales that attempt to classify diabetic foot ulcers, but few have been validated and none have demonstarated prognistic reliabilty or accuracy with regard to healing a DFU. Some scales focus on anatomy (depth of ulcer), some include vasular assessment, and others include the presence or absence of infection.
This is the third and final installment in the series about how to prepare your patient for wound care treatment.
This is the second in the series about how to prepare your patient for wound care treatment. In Part 1 we covered Transfers, Patient Comfort, Pain Scales; if you missed Part 1, you can read it here
If you've been thinking of taking a training course to become certified in wound care (or need a refresher) - now is a great time to take action!
Case study - Edema
History: This patient presents to the wound care clinic with a history of alcohol abuse, tobacco use, and congestive heart failure. Patient states that her legs are prone to swelling.
Have you thought about the impact of the front office operations in the success, health, and growth of your wound care and hyperbaric medicine clinic?
© Wound Care Education Partners
© Wound Care Education Partners
Today is a special blog post, not our normal format. That said, as you may know, we are co-hosting a 21-Day Diabetes and Wound Care Challenge with Best Publishing Company. Registration for the 21-Day Diabetes and Wound Care Challenge opened on Wednesday and it has been very well received! There is a lot of excitement and enthusiasm among our colleagues! Have you accepted the challenge?
© Wound Care Education Partners
Ideally, an HBO program should have a detailed policy for the diabetic patient and the immediate steps that one should take to elevate the patient’s blood sugar. However, for the patient who has a recurring problem with blood sugars that are less than the recommended pretreatment level, there are several options. One option is to contact the managing physician and explain the need for relaxed glycemic control while receiving hyperbaric therapy.
© Wound Care Education Partners
We recently recieved this question from a prospective student. If you find yourself asking this same question, read on to learn the course of action we recommend.
© Wound Care Education Partners
© Wound Care Education Partners
Question: Patients present to the wound care practitioner in a myriad of ways, how does the practitioner decide how to manage the wound?
© Wound Care Education Partners
Question: Each winter many hyperbaric oxygen therapy patients have difficulty getting to their scheduled treatments due to inclement weather. What recommendations do you have for helping keep patients' treatment schedules on track when the weather is a barrier to treatment?
© Wound Care Education Partners