Introduction to Hyperbaric Medicine
Credit Hours:
*Please note, there is an additional 5-hours of pre-course work with this program. Please check accreditation statement for the amount of pre-course CEU/CME hours associated with your specific license type.
Licenses eligible for CME/CEUs:
MD, DO, DPM (Florida only), RN, LPN, CNS, APRN, CRT, RRT, RCP, CHT, CHRN, PA's, see Accreditation Statements below
This course will provide you with basic training or continuing education in hyperbaric medicine.
This course meets the CMS requirements for physician supervision and billing; and is a precursor to getting the UHMS PATH or either the NBDHMT certification of added qualification or
the ABWH certificate of added qualification.
the ABWH certificate of added qualification.
Don't Take Our Word For It, Here's What Our Students Say

This course allowed me to review my practice and found the weaknesses.

I felt Darrel was very proficient, knowledgable, and was an excellent teacher of the basics of the TCOM system and hyperbaric chamber.

Well organized

Excellent lectures

I feel as if this course has better prepared me for my role in hyperbarics and the future certification I shall seek.

By attending this course, I can make better clinical judgement.

I learned important information I can take into my medical practice to help me in the future.

I am much more knowledgeable and understanding of the process and indication for HBO therapy.

This is my first education on HBO2 and I learned a lot.

I knew nothing about hyperbaric medicine before this course.
This intense four-day, 40-hour live course is approved by the UHMS as an Introduction to Hyperbaric Medicine and intended for a wide audience of health care providers involved in advanced wound care management, including the physician, registered nurse, nurse practitioner, clinical nurse specialist, registered respiratory therapist, physical therapist, physician's assistant, EMT's and paramedics.
The livestream webinar version of this course applies to CHT/CHRNs or those pursuing CHT/CHRN added qualification through the NBDHMT.
This course also applies to those pursuing CHS/CHWS through the American Board of Wound Healing (ABWH).
Please note that the American Board of Wound Healing (ABWH) offers added qualifications similar to those offered by the NBDHT. The ABWH offers Certified Hyperbaric Specialist (CHS) and Certified Hyperbaric & Wound Specialist (CHWS). The UHMS recognizes both CHT/CHRN and CHS/CHWS - you can find the UHMS position statement here.
Livestream Training or In-Person Training
Choose from either livestream training, or in-person. We run livestream courses monthly. In-person courses are less frequent throughout the year. Scroll down to see the upcoming course dates. Or contact our customer support at
If you'd like to schedule a private training for your team, either at your own facility or via livestream, please contact Jaclyn Mackey,
The goals and objectives of this jointly provided Introductory Course in Hyperbaric Medicine CME Program are:
- Provide a rigorous Introductory Course in Hyperbaric Medicine addressing the key fundamental elements and concepts which will assist the participant in practicing hyperbaric medicine, safely and effectively.
- Demonstrate the importance of team training in the hyperbaric environment including safely operating the hyperbaric equipment and performing emergency drills.
- Provide the participant with the opportunity to perform non-invasive vascular studies and understand the important role of PtcO2 in determining the opportunity for wound healing.
At the conclusion of the Introductory Courses in Hyperbaric Medicine the participants should be able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the key elements associated with hyperbaric pressure and treatment through homework, practical application discussions, Q/A's and a final examination at end of the end of the course.
- Demonstrate knowledge in applying PtcO2 electrodes in the correct tissue areas to determine tissue PO2 and verbalize the results based on the Transcutaneous Oximetry in Clinical Practice: Consensus statements from an expert panel based on evidence.
Anatomy and wound healing physiology
Wound care etiology, diagnosis and management algorithms
Assessment and classification of acute and chronic wounds and applicability of hyperbaric medicine
Proper wound assessment and documentation
Discuss factors that impede wound healing
Clinical algorithms and scientific management of problem wounds
Orientation to the many different types of dressing categories and their use in hyperbaric medicine
History of Hyperbaric Medicine
Hyperbaric Physics and Physiology
Mechanisms of Hyperbaric Oxygen
Undersea & Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS) Accepted Indications
Contraindications, Potential Complications and Side Effects
Air Decompression Procedures
Patient Assessment & Management
Hyperbaric Safety & Emergency Procedures
The Econimics and Payment Systems Associated with Hyperbaric Medicine
Patient Management and the Role of the Supervising Professional
Diving Injuries and Dive/Decompression Tables
PtcO2's Role in Defining Tissue Hypoxia or Ischemia in the Potential Patient
Documentation and Quality Assurance Measures
Hyperbaric Equipment Orientation
Please note, there is an additional 5-hours of pre-course work with this program. This is in addition to the 40-hours of the livestream program.
The amount of CEU/CME hours on the pre-course work vary by specific license type.
This 5.0 hour pre-course is required to be completed as part of the Introduction to Hyperbaric Medicine course.
- 5-Hours CME or CEUs: MD, DO, DPM (DPM is Florida only), RN, LPN, CNA, APRN, CRT, RRT, RCP
- 1-hour Category A CEU: CHT, CHRN
- 4-hours Category B CEU: CHT, CHRN
The pre-course consists of the following course material and is speficially approved for credits as follows:
Precourse Part 1: Physician Pre-Course: Wound Management in the HBO2 Environment (4 video lessons)
Licenses eligible for 4.0 total continuing education or CME credits for this precourse module: MD, DO, DPM (DPM is Florida only), RN, LPN, CNA, APRN, CRT, RRT, RCP. NOTE: CHTs/CHRNs this 4 hour portion of the pre-course is considered Category B credits by the NBDHMT.
Precourse Part 2 & 3: Dive Tables and Physics of Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine (2 video lessons)
Licenses eligible for 1.0 total continuing education or CME credit for this precourse module: MD, DO, DPM (DPM is Florida only), RN, LPN, CNA, APRN, CRT, RRT, RCP, CHT (Category A), CHRN (Category A).
Course Materials Included With Registration
Digital course materials are provided to you with course registration, at no additional cost.
- PDF Participant Packet
- All lectures that you receive during the course will be delivered to you digitally via Dropbox.
Add On/Optional Course Materials
If you prefer to have physical course materials, instead of digital, you may purchase the following optional course materials. They are the same materials that are provided to you digitally, however, the add-on options are physical products.
- Printed Participant Packet
Add on a printed participant packet for $35. This includes 1 (one) printed participant packet. If you choose not to add on a printed packet, you will receive the same packet digitally (PDF) at no additional cost.
- Flashdrive with all course lectures
Add on a flashdrive with all course lectures for $25. All lectures that you receive during the course available on a USB flashdrive. If you choose not to have a flashdrive lectures shipped to you, you will receive the lecture copies digitally via Dropbox, at no additional cost.
Hyperbaric Medicine Practice, 4th Edition
This is an optional textbook with this course. The book is NOT provided to you complimentary with course registration and is only available for-purchase. You can read more about the textbook at the following link
If you'd like to order any add-on/optional course mateirals, you can do so as follows:
- Order at the time of course registration
- Email our customer support
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Call our customer support +1-561-776-6066
Accreditation Statement. This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of the Undersea & Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS) and Wound Care Education Partners. The UHMS is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
Full Disclosure Statement. All faculty members and planners participating in continuing medical education activities sponsored by Wound Care Education Partners are expected to disclose to the participants any relevant financial relationships with commercial interests. Full disclosure of faculty and planner relevant financial relationships will be made at the activity.
"As this course's Joint Provider, the Undersea & Hyperbaric Medical Society, Inc (UHMS) provides only administrative approval for the Continuing Medical Education (CME) aspects of this course. Consequently, the approaches, views, statements and opinions expressed in the lectures and materials being presented are those of the course's authors, lecturers and director(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the UHMS. A detailed description of the UHMS course sponsor relationships is available on the UHMS website at".
Designation Statements
- The UHMS designates this live activity for a maximum of 45.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM. Physicians should claim only credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
- The Florida Board of Podiatric Medicine approves this course for 41.0 credits.
- This activity has been reviewed and approved by the National Board of Diving and Hyperbaric Medical Technology as a basic hyperbaric medicine course. This activity meets the NBDHMT minimum requirements including 41.0 hours of face-to-face instruction.
- The Introductory Course in Hyperbaric Medicine is approved for 45.0 CE hours through the Florida Board of Nursing and is also recognized by the Florida Board of Respiratory Care.
Licenses Eligible for Credits
Physician Credits (DO, MD): This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of the Undersea & Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS) and Wound Care Education Partners. The UHMS is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians. The UHMS designates this live activity for a maximum of 45.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Physician Assistant (PA) CMEs: Non-physician health professionals and other participants may not be awarded AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM. PA’s will receive a letter that states the educational activity was certified for AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM and the hours earned; the letter can be submitted to your licensing board.
DPM Credits: The Florida Board of Podiatric Medicine approves this course for 41.0 credits.
Nursing Credits for license types: ARNP, CNS, LPN, RN, RCP, RRT, CRT. Wound Care Education Partners is a Florida based company and a licensed CE Provider through the Florida State Board of Nursing and the CE is reciprocal for nurses in the United States. Florida nursing credits are reciprocal and approved for nurses within all states. Receiving credit for Florida providers is simple, attend the course and our staff will upload your credits directly to the Florida State database. For out of state credit, we provide all the necessary paperwork for you to file with the respective nursing board.
CHT, CHRN Credits: Wound Care Education Partners is an approved provider of the Introductory Course in Hyperbaric Medicine through the National Board of Diving and Hyperbaric Medical Technology. This activity has been reviewed and approved by the National Board of Diving and Hyperbaric Medical Technology (NBDHMT) as a basic hyperbaric medicine course. This activity meets the NBDHMT minimum requirements including 41.0 hours of face-to-face instruction. The NBDHMT requires those seeking certification to complete formal training in hyperbaric technology to become eligible to take the CHT/CHRN examination in addition to the completion of a defined preceptorship period and to hold a medical certificate or license.
4 Benefits of Hyperbaric Team Training at Your Facility
Are There Pre-requisites for Taking the Course?
Can I Switch My Course Dates?
Answer: Yes. There is a $25 change fee to change course dates.
Is the Introductory Course in Hyperbaric Medicine right for me?
In this article you'll find some of the tough questions we get asked about the Introductory Course in Hyperbaric Medicine (ICHM) - along with our honest answers.
We'll tell you everything about the program and what it takes so you can make the best enrollment decision for you.
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