Five years ago Wound Care Education Partners wrote a blog "How to Become Certified in Hyperbaric Medicine". In those years since the original post the field Hyperbaric Medicine has grown significantly. According to hyperbaric oxygen therapy market insights the CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) for hperbaric medicine s expected to increase by 5.8% over the next four years. (TechNavo; Jan 2025, "Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Market Size 2025-2029" )
Rx Pad
Aerospace Medical Association &
Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society:
This 5th Edition of Hyperbaric Medicine Practice, captained by Dr. Harry T. Whelan, is the most robust and monumental information source for undersea and hyperbaric medicine to date. Split into two volumes due to its size and detail, this 5th edition boasts six new chapters. With the help of 70 contributors from all over the world, Hyperbaric Medicine Practice has become the go-to authority for both studying and practicing hyperbaric medicine professionals.
Have you ever heard the term "casting a wide net" when it comes to marketing? It's referring to the need to get your message in front of a huge number of prospective referral sources if you want to get a lot of patient referrals coming in.
Starting in 2018 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid {CMS} Services in conjunction with the American Medical Association {AMA} recognized the need to reduce documentation requirements for providers (physicians and non-physician practitioners). In 2019, the History component consist of three requirements of Chief Compliant (CC) {reason for the visit}, History of Present Illness {HPI} and Review of Systems (ROS) noting information needs to relevant to the Chief Compliant. They approved of allowing the patient, caregiver, or ancillary staff to document the patient’s History in conjunction that the provider would review the information for relevancy while also documenting the provider reviewed stated patient information at the visit.
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Question: I am interested in adding hyperbaric oxygen therapy to my clinic. What are your recommendations for staff education and management of hyperbaric medicine in my clinic?
Answer: The first step we recommend is that you attend a 40-hour UHMS and NBDHMT approved basic training in hyperbaric medicine course, Introduction to Hyperbaric Medicine. Wound Care Education Partners offers the course many times per year across the U.S., and we could also do onsite training at your facility.
Upcoming course dates and locations can be found at the following link
As for management, we recommend that you attend our Business of Wound Care and Hyperbaric Medicine course. This 16-hour CME/CEU course guides you through the administration of operating and managing a profitable wound care/hyperbaric clinic. This course is offered a few times per year at various locations across the U.S.
Find upcoming courses at the following link:
For more information on any of our courses please contact us at
In the late 1970s, there were fewer than 30 hyperbaric facilities operational in the United States. Most were either military, commercial or highly specialized research facilities. Today an estimated 1,350-plus facilities are in operation. Growth means change. We have seen the primary role of hyperbaric facilities transition from the treatment of diving-related disorders to providing essential primary and adjunctive treatments for multiple medical conditions. Refined research efforts will no doubt validate the continued effectiveness of HBO2 therapy, and perhaps even support new indications for treatment.
Do you worry about not having a big enough patient load at your wound care and hyperbaric medicine clinic? Do you struggle with marketing due to low budget and not enough resources?
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By providing community education to potential patients you are, in the words of John Peters, incoming Executive Director of UHMS and Managing Partner of Wound Care Education Partners, “building awareness, and with that awareness we’re able to impact healing outcomes for patients in our community.”
© Wound Care Education Partners. All Rights Reserved.