Do you find yourself performing tasks in hyperbaric safety or as a Hyperbaric Program Director or Business Manager?
Are seeking advancement in the field of hyperbaric medicine? If so, this is an important weekend for you. Please read.
Rx Pad
Calling out to all Clinic managers, administrators, billers/coders, and medical directors:
Did you know there are ways to:
Manage revenue cycle to meet (and exceed) budget goals
Discover patient revenue left on the table due to incorrect medical coding
Increase patient load Become a profit center for the hospital
Five years ago Wound Care Education Partners wrote a blog "How to Become Certified in Hyperbaric Medicine". In those years since the original post the field Hyperbaric Medicine has grown significantly. According to hyperbaric oxygen therapy market insights the CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) for hperbaric medicine s expected to increase by 5.8% over the next four years. (TechNavo; Jan 2025, "Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Market Size 2025-2029" )
Aerospace Medical Association &
Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society: