This is the second in the series about how to prepare your patient for wound care treatment. In Part 1 we covered Transfers, Patient Comfort, Pain Scales; if you missed Part 1, you can read it here 

Part 2: Preparing the Patient for Wound Care

D. Premedication

    1. Assess for pain prior to wound care or debridement. 
    2. Employ appropriate measures to eliminate or control the source of pain, e.g., cover wounds, adjust support surfaces, reposition the patient, provide analgesic as needed and when appropriate. 
    3. Assess for pain during and after wound care or procedure. 
    4. Medicate as needed: intravenous (IV), oral (PO), or sublingual (SL); allow time for the medical to take effect. 

E. Time-Outs

    1. Dressing removal
    2. Debridement
    3. Procedures
    4. Repositioning
    5. Dressing application

F. Dressing Removal/Cleansing

    1. Dispose of contaminated dressings and linens in moisture-proof bags. 
    2. Remove gloves and clean hands with alcohol-based sanitizer, or wash with soap and water. 
    3. Clean the wound with normal saline or an approved wound cleanser. 
    4. Place a clean towel or drape under the clean wound. 

G. Sterile Versus Clean 

    1. Sterile fields
      1. Free of any living organism
      2. Use of sterile drapes, instruments, glove, gowns
    2. Clean versus sterile technique
      1. Sterile technique requires all sterile supplies and instruments, including gloves, gown, mask, drapes. 
      2. Clean technique requires disinfected, clean and/or sterile instruments, steril and non-sterile supplies, and clean gloves. 

Source Reference: Wound Care Certification Study Guide, Second Edition by Jayesh B. Shah, MD, Paul J Sheffield, PhD, Caroline E. Fife, MD

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